# Query Parameters

Laravel Orion allows consumers of your API to use query parameters for working with soft deletable models and including other related resources (defined as relations on a particular model) together in response.

# Including Relations

Sometimes you may want to include relationships together with the returned resources. First, allowed set of relations to be used in query parameters needs to be defined on a controller.

# Whitelisting Relations

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller

    * The relations that are allowed to be included together with a resource.
    * @return array
    protected function includes() : array
        return ['user', 'user.team', 'user.profile', 'meta'];


It is also possible to use wildcards to reduce the overhead of defining all possible relations:

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller

    * The relations that are allowed to be included together with a resource.
    * @return array
    protected function includes() : array
        return ['user.*', 'meta'];


To instruct the API to return relations, url needs to contain include query parameter with a comma separated list of relations.

(GET) https://myapp.com/api/posts?include=user,meta

# Always Included Relations

To load the relations by default without passing it through the query parameter, use the alwaysIncludes method:

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller

    * The relations that are loaded by default together with a resource.
    * @return array
    protected function alwaysIncludes() : array
        return ['user', 'meta'];



Unlike include method, the alwaysIncludes method does not support wildcards.

# Soft Deletes

# Returning trashed resources

The with_trashed query parameter allows you to return all resources, even the deleted ones.

The only_trashed query parameters instructs the API to return only soft deleted resources.

These parameters are accepted on index, search, and show endpoints of both standard and relation resources.

(GET) https://myapp.com/api/posts?with_trashed=true

# Force deleting

The last, but not least, force query parameter allows you to permanently delete a resource. The parameter is accepted on the destroy endpoint of both standard and relation resources.

(DELETE) https://myapp.com/api/posts/5?force=true
Last Updated: 2/24/2024, 10:37:01 AM